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The Society
of State Leaders of
Health and Physical Education

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Membership Levels & Dues

Membership Level
Eligibility Voting and Leadership Membership Dues


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Any state department of education employee who works in health, physical education, and/or any component of coordinated school health or the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model (i.e., health education, physical education, health services, healthy physical environment and social and emotional climate, school nutrition services, school-site wellness, school mental health services, family engagement, and community involvement) is eligible for Professional membership. (District of Columbia and United States Territories are considered as individual states.) Can vote on official Society business and hold all positions of leadership. $100

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Any professional who is interested in the goals of the Society but does not work within a state department of education is eligible for Associate membership. Associate members may work for state departments of health or other state agencies, federal governmental agencies, national non-governmental organizations, local education agencies, universities, and companies that support health and physical education programs in schools. Cannot vote on official Society business---may serve as Secretary, Treasurer, or Member-at-Large and have voting privileges on the Board of Directors. $100

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Any Society member, in good standing for at least ten consecutive years, who has retired from his/her position is eligible to apply for Retired membership status. Same members have the same privileges as a professional member. $75

Any Society member in good standing who has served the Society for at least ten consecutive years and has retired from the State Department of Education is eligible to be considered for the Emeritus membership status award. Same privileges as a professional member, with a lifetime exemption of paying dues. $0

Our Sponsors

The Great Body Shop

Puberty: The Wonder Years



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© The Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education
12406 W Dalrymple Street
Boise, ID 83709

Shaping a Healthier Future for Kids


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