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The Society
of State Leaders of
Health and Physical Education

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Founded in 1926, the Society of State Leaders of Health, Physical Education and Recreation is a national organization comprised of individuals employed in state and territorial departments of education who have program responsibilities in school health education, physical education and related areas.

The Society has a strong tradition of providing leadership at the state and national levels. In the early years of its existence, the Society led the effort to encourage appointments of directors of health, physical education and recreation in every state. The Society also played a vital role in shaping a national agenda for fitness and was instrumental in the establishment of the President's Council on Youth Fitness in 1956, now known as the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.

Over the years, the Society actively participated with national organizations such as the President's Council and the National Association for Sport and Physical Education to support quality school physical education programs. In the early 1990s, the Society collaborated with other national organizations to develop National Standards for Physical Education and assisted in their dissemination to local school districts. The Society also participated in the development of the Healthy People 2000: Health Objectives for the Nation which included important goals for school physical education and health education.

During the late 1980s and the 1990s, school health education positions in state departments of education increased substantially due to federally-funded programs created by the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1986 administered by the U.S. Department of Education, and by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control's program for Comprehensive School Health Education to Prevent the Spread of HIV/AIDS and Other Important Health Problems Among School-age Youth. The Society's membership increased as a result of the additional positions. The Society provided a forum for these new leaders to learn, share and grow professionally.

The Society also contributed to national health education initiatives including the development of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, the National Health Education Standards published in 1995 and a state collaborative project to develop student assessment in health education. Additionally, the Society contributed to the writing of Health Is Academic: A Guide to Developing Coordinated School Health Programs, published in 1998.

In 1997, the Society convened representatives of four national organizations and a federal agency to author a consensus statement regarding the use of available health education and physical education resources. The statement, Putting the Pieces Together, encouraged professionals to use national standards, guidelines and assessment documents to implement quality school health education and physical education programs.

The Society remains positioned to continue its leadership role to ensure that the nations children and youth receive the most effective education possible to enable them to lead healthy, active and productive lives.

Join us and give your career a boost!


Society Meeting
Cincinnati, 2019

Society Board
October, 2018

Society Meeting
Boston, 2017

The Society's 90th Celebration Gathering October 5, 2017

Past Society Presidents

1926-27 Carl Schrader MA
1927-28 William H. Burdick MD
1928-29 A.G. Ireland NJ
1929-30 Edgar Evers MN
1930-31 E.V. Graves VA
1931-32 Wm. G. Moorehead PA
1932-33 Wm. G. Moorehead PA
1933-34 N.P. Neilson CA
1934-35 Charles Prohaska CT
1935-36 George Hendricks DE
1936-37 Jessie Garrison AL
1937-38 W.H. Orlon CA
1938-39 Hiram Jones NY
1939-40 Harry Edwards ME
1940-41 Jesse W. Hair LA
1941-42 Bernice Moss UT
1942-43 Alice C. Aldrich VT
1943-44 Harold K. Jack MN
1944-45 Frank Stafford IN
1945-46 George Ayars DE
1946-47 Thomas Ferguson MD
1947-48 Charles Spencer NC
1948-49 Paul E. Landis OH
1949-50 Ray O. Duncan IL
1950-51 Julian W. Smith MI
1951-52 Verne Landreth CA
1952-53 Ellis Champlin NY
1953-54 Robert Yoho IN
1954-55 Harley Robertson WA
1955-56 Elmer Cottrell PA
1956-57 George Sirnio OR
1957-58Vaughan L. HallUT
1958-59Raymond MagwireVT
1959-60 Zollie Maynard FL
1960-61 George Grover NY
1961-62 Orlo W. Miller WI
1962-63 Ruth Byler CT
1963-64 Herbert Steiner MD
1964-65 William E. Noonan Jr LA
1965-66 Lewis Spear TX
1966-67 Edwin G. Rice MI
1967-68 Robert L. Holland OH
1968-69 Harold Schreiner SC
1969-70 Howard Schaub WA
1970-71 Carl Knutson MN
1971-72 Gordon Jensen WI
1972-73 Robert Leake UT
1973-74 Carl J. Haney KS
1974-75 Mabel Robinson AL
1975-76 Frances A. Mays VA
1976-77 Wanda H. Jubb MI
1977-78 Sal E. Abitanta NJ
1978-79 Robert Taylor MO
1979-80 Harvey Tedford OK
1980-81 Harold D. Lakey VA
1981-82 Joseph R. Carr PA
1982-83 JoAnne Owens-Nauslar NE
1983-84 Paul L. Kabarec IA
1984-85 Herbert E. Drummond OH
1985-86 George L. Hanson MN
1986-87 William O. Blair NM
1987-88 Edith P. Vincent DE
1988-89J. Rendel StalveyGA
1989-90Betty A. ReidMD
1990-91Spencer SartoriusMT
1991-92Mae WatersFL
1992-93 Shannon L. Page ID
1993-94 Robert Ritson OR
1994-95 Janet Wilson KS
1995-96 Bob Wandberg MN
1995-96 Mary Thissen-Milder MN
1996-97 Katherine Wilbur ME
1997-98 Sandy Mazzocco MO
1998-99 Fran Anthony Meyer VA
1999-00 John Ray WV
2000-01 Grace Stevens NY
2001-02 Pam Tollefsen WA
2002-03 Kymm Ballard NC
2003-04 Linda Morse NJ
2004-05 Darrel Lang KS
2005-06 Robinette Bacon NV
2006-07 Bonnie Edmondson CT
2007-08 Suzie Crouch IN
2008-09 Suzie Crouch IN
2009-10 Lynn Hammond SC
2010-11 Kathleen Courtney AL
2011-12 Antionette Meeks FL
2012-13 Brian Griffith MD
2013-14 Brian Griffith MD

Patricia Stewart ID
2014-15 Patricia Stewart ID
2015-16 Patricia Stewart ID
 2016-17 Laurie Bechhofer MI
 2017-18 Susan Berry
 2018-19 Lisa Rakoz WA
 2019-20 Rosemary Reilly-Chammat RI
 2020-21 Rosemary Reilly-Chammat RI
 2021-22 Ellen Essick NC
 2022-23Susanne Schmal NC

Our Sponsors

The Great Body Shop

Puberty: The Wonder Years



Our Partners

© The Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education
12406 W Dalrymple Street
Boise, ID 83709

Shaping a Healthier Future for Kids


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